Dental cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a special type of 3D imaging equipment used when regular dental or facial 2D x-rays are not sufficient. Our doctors may use this technology to produce three dimensional (3-D) images of your teeth, soft tissues, nerve pathways and bone in a single scan.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, what are a thousand or even a million pictures worth? Imagine how much more you could learn about objects if you could actually see them from the inside, life size and in color. Viewing a well-painted landscape is nothing like living and walking through a landscape. Studying a photograph of a house does not compare to walking through the house room-by-room. And so it has been in the art and science of healthcare since Roentgen first discovered the ability to image the body with radiographs (x-ray pictures). But all x-rays — just like paintings and photographs — have been two dimensional (2-D), until now.
CBCT scanning or Cone Beam Computed Tomography (“compute” – to determine or calculate by mathematical means; “tomo” – slice; “graph” – to write) now provides images in three dimensions or “3-D” as it is more commonly referred. CBCT is a type of Computer Assisted Tomograph or CAT scan. For dental professionals, it really does provide the ability to see and experience the body from the inside; thus changing the way diagnoses can be made.

It really combines the best of both worlds. A Cone Beam (CB) uses digital geometry to generate a three-dimensional image of the inside of an object from a large series of two-dimensional images. The CB actually refers to a spiral beam of x-rays that emanate from and create a cone shaped beam, which is then caught on detectors.
Envision the way layers make up your favorite multi-layered cake and that’s how the CBCT scanner builds up the images, by layering them one-by-one on top of each other. Now think of the slices you cut out of the cake to eat it — the thinner the slices the more you see of the cake’s ingredients, such as finely diced nuts or berries. Using this analogy, these many images make up the results of a 3-D scan.
Figure 2 and 3:An orthodontist will use these CAT scan images to plan treatment based on growth and development of your child. Relating the size of the permanent teeth, when they will come into the oral cavity, what position they will likely erupt into and if they need to be extracted, are just some of the questions that can accurately be determined with the use of 3-D radiography (x-ray images).
Figures 1, 2 and 3 provided by Anatomage, Inc.
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- Dentists and dental specialists using CBCT greatly benefits patients and the use of it in dentistry is rapidly increasing. The following list highlights some of these areas by specialty: CBCT technology today have the ability to visualize true three-dimensional anatomy of the teeth, jaws and facial skeleton, as well as other vital structures of the head and neck region in precise and extreme detail. CBCT enhances diagnosis and treatment planning; thus patients benefit greatly.
- Orthodontists and Pediatric dentists can examine the growth stages of skeletal structures and developing teeth using CBCT technology as well as using it for monitoring health, identifying disease and planning interceptive strategies to direct growth in the best possible direction [Figure 2 and 3].
- Oral surgeons use CBCT to find disease, determine fractures due to trauma, look for impacted or missing teeth and more. The position of impacted wisdom teeth and their proximity to nerves and sinuses can be precisely determined from a 3D CBCT scan.
- Endodontists (root canal specialists) find CBCT scans are detailed enough to look into root canals less than a millimeter in width, to diagnose and treat abscessed teeth, and even to identify tiny accessory canals that do not show easily on conventional 2D x-rays.
- Periodontists (gum specialists) can use CBCT technology to assess bone loss gum attachment levels in greater detail to make more precise diagnoses. And as a result, they are better equipped to perform regenerative surgical treatments to prolong the life of teeth.
What are some common uses of the procedure?
Dental cone beam CT is commonly used for treatment planning of orthodontic issues. It is also useful for more complex cases that involve:
- surgical planning for impacted teeth.
- diagnosing temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ).
- accurate placement of dental implants.
- evaluation of the jaw, sinuses, nerve canals and nasal cavity.
- detecting, measuring and treating jaw tumors.
- determining bone structure and tooth orientation.
- locating the origin of pain or pathology.
- cephalometric analysis.
- reconstructive surgery.
The Cone Beam Advantage
One low-dose CBCT scan generates an extremely accurate assessment of bone quality, quantity, as well as a better understanding of associated anatomical relationships in three dimensions. CBCT also allows precise treatment planning to occur before, rather than during treatment delivery. Imagine being able to map in a virtual computer environment an individual’s underlying anatomy and dental problems with precise accuracy prior to starting his or her treatment.