Dr. Navid Sharifi takes pride in giving back to the community through sponsorships, donations and volunteering at local events, fundraisers and charities.
The doctors have sponsored and donated to:
- Föhn Festival. The annual festival was formed by a group of dedicated volunteers excited to celebrate Hinton’s rich multiculturalism. It celebrates Canada’s multiculturalism with music, dancing, crafts and best of all – food from around the globe, The Föhn Festival is welcoming to young and old alike. The Föhn Festival, named for the warm dry winds that breeze through Hinton, AB, is celebrated annually on July 1st in Hinton’s Green Square
- Mayor’s Charity Event Co-hosted by the Hinton Historical Society and BRIDGES Society. The Hinton Historical Society is a Registered Charitable Organization who is developing a museum in the Historical Hinton Railway Station House which is the oldest building in Hinton.The BRIDGES Society is an established non-profit charitable organization that has served Hinton residents for the past 17 years. BRIDGES was established by the parents of adults with mental illness to ensure they would be supported when their parents could no longer provide care. They provide support services to those with mental health needs, an often overlooked segment of society.
Community BBQ
Foothills Dental hosted our Customer Appreciation Day BBQ which included tasty hamburgers, hotdogs and drinks. There were tons of laughter, sharing of stories, music and enjoyment for the whole family. We had fun games and face painting for the children. There were prizes including a gift basket full of goodies, an electric toothbrush, gift certificate, framed photo, picnic basket and many more!
On behalf of Dr. Navid Sharifi and the team at Foothills Dental, we would like to extend a big SHOUT OUT to everyone that attended our Community BBQ!!!! Also, a big thank you goes out to HELMIG FIRE Supplies for loaning us their awesome BBQ and to Rob and Judy Ramsey for looking after the transportation and set up of it. Cheers to Justin Woodley who helped flip and serve burgers!!! Congratulations to all of prize winners!!!

Proud to sponsor educational classes for children
Each year we are proud to host several school classes to come to our office to learn more about dental health care. The school children have a great time learning about proper brushing and flossing techniques, making molds of their hands and using some of our “cool” dental technologies. This brings awareness about the importance of oral health and encourages the young kids to maintain lifelong good oral habits. Who knows, we may even spark something inside the children to become future dentists, hygienists or dental assistants!
Hinton Nordic Skier Club
The Hinton Nordic Skiers is a club organized by volunteers. The mission is to provide a safe venue for our community and visitors so they can enjoy the pursuit of nordic skiing. Also, to promote the activity of nordic skiing as a healthy, enjoyable, environmentally-friendly activity that encourages people to get outdoors and to appreciate the natural world.
Dr. Navid Sharifi as health care professionals believe in a balanced lifestyle which includes regular physical exercise. They are active members of the Hinton Nordic Skiers Club and have sponsored the Stadium Webcam which allows skiers to view the current snow conditions and weather at the facility at any time.

North American and Candian National Biathlon Championships
They were also volunteers at the North American and Canadian National Biathlon Championships. Foothills Dental Centre was also a proud sponsor of the Championships! Athletes, coaches, wax technicians, family members, and Biathlon Canada Officials from all provinces, territories, and the USA descended upon Hinton for a period of seven days. This event showcased the Town of Hinton and what it has to offer, as well as the Hinton Nordic Centre, a world class cross country skiing and biathlon facility.
Hinton Healthcare Foundation
Each year we are proud to host several school classes to come to our office to learn more about dental health care. The school children have a great time learning about proper brushing and flossing techniques, making molds of their hands and using some of our “cool” dental technologies. This brings awareness about the importance of oral health and encourages the young kids to maintain lifelong good oral habits. Who knows, we may even spark something inside the children to become future dentists, hygienists or dental assistants!

Foothills Dental is proud to sponsor a
FREE Family Swim at the Hinton Recreation Centre
Foothills Dental is proud to give back to our community by sponsoring a FREE Family Swim at the Hinton Recreation Centre. We pay for all admissions for everyone to enjoy a swim and family aquatic activities.
Yellowhead Emergency Shelter for Women Society
Foothills Dental is proud to donate to the Yellowhead Emergency Shelter for Women Society. This great organization in Hinton provides short – term shelter to women and their children fleeing violence, or other women in crisis.
Here are some Domestic Violence Statistics:
Alarming statistics indicate that, as you read this short sentence, a woman has become the victim of assault. According to the Partnership Against Domestic Violence, every 9 seconds, another woman in the North America is beaten.
It’s a sobering reality for one in four women in our country who will experience domestic violence in her lifetime, most of these victims between the ages of 20 and 24, according to the nonprofit Safe Horizon. Violence against women may occur mostly behind closed doors—60 percent of domestic violence happens at home—but that doesn’t mean the problem is any less visible. It pours out into the streets—domestic violence is the third leading cause of homelessness among families—and into future generations. Girls who witness domestic violence and don’t receive help are more likely to enter an abusive relationship as a teen. And boys from families of domestic violence are far more likely to become abusers as teens and adults, if no one intervenes.
- 3.3 Million: Estimated number of children in the North America each year that witness violence against their mother or female caretaker by a family member.
- 40-60: Percentage of men who abuse women who also abuse children.
- 1 in 5: Number of teenage girls who said they have been in a relationship where the boyfriend threatened violence or self-harm if a breakup was to occur.
- 90-95: Percentage of domestic violence victims who are women.
- 40-70: Percentage of female murder victims in the North America who were killed by their husbands or boyfriends, often within an ongoing abusive relationship.

Run In The Rockies
Foothills Dental is a proud PLATINUM SPONSOR of the Hinton’s Run in the Rockies. Each year we donate to this wonderful community event.
Dr. Navid Sharifi are strong believers of a healthy and balanced lifestyle which includes regular physical exercise. It is an exciting way for the Foothills Dental Team to give back to their wonderful Hinton Community. The race encourages people to run on the many trails Hinton has to offer. It is a great way to meet fellow community members, while also raising money for charity.
In the past years, the event has raised money for the Hinton Food Bank and the Yellowhead Emergency Shelter. Every year the Run in the Rockies gives back to a community organization of their choice.
It is about having fun with family and friends and raising money for good causes. The Run in the Rockies gives runners of all abilities a chance to enjoy the outdoors and gain the benefits of physical exercise. People can sign up for anything from 1 to 21 kilometres.
Foothills Dental is a proud sponsor of the Hinton Family & Community Support Services
Each year Foothills Dental is proud to support and donate to the Hinton Family & Community Support Services.
Services provided by the Family and Community Support Services Department include:
- Assisting the community with identifying social needs and developing responses to meet those needs
- Enhancing the quality of life of the retired and semi-retired
- Enriching and strengthening family life
- Informing the public of available services
- Promoting, encouraging, and supporting volunteer work in the community
- Promoting the social development of children and their families
The Family and Community Support Services Department’s motto is: “People helping people help themselves!”
The Community Development services include:
- Assisting with board development and training
- Assisting with funding applications
- Hosting workshops and programs that provide family life and personal growth education
- Providing a resource and information library
- Providing facilitation and consultation for group needs assessment
Services for Individuals and Families include:
- Accessing the Lifeline Personal Emergency Response System
- Assisting with accessing government benefits
- Helping identify needs and providing referrals
- Providing bereavement support

Foothills Dental is a proud supporter of the ALS Society of Alberta. We donate money to this great cause and organization. During the week before the ALS walk, we decorate our front greeting area with purple (the official colorr of ALS Society of Alberta) ribbons, balloons and other decorations. We paint purple signage on our front store windows and our team members also wear purple T-shirts in support of ALS.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neuromuscular disease which attacks the motor neurons in the spinal cord and brain, eventually causing complete paralysis. The afflicted person gradually loses the ability to move, talk, swallow and eventually breathe on their own. ALS is fatal, 90% of people with ALS die within 5 years of diagnosis. ALS can strike anyone, at any time, regardless of age, sex or ethnic origin. Approximately 2500 – 3000 Canadians and their families currently live with ALS. The cause is unknown. There is no known cure or treatment that prolongs life significantly – yet.
Seniors Week
Foothills Dental is proud to form a yearly partnership with the Town of Hinton Family and community Support Services by making contributions towards Seniors Week each year.
We participate in helping to host the Seniors Lifetime Achievement Award Luncheon. Each year a senior in our community is award the Lifetime Achievement Award during the luncheon to acknowledge the volunteer work they have done to make our community better. Hinton hosted more events during Seniors Week than anywhere else in Alberta last year.
Every year Foothills Dental is proud to make a donation towards Seniors Week. Our team believes that seniors are valuable community members! The Foothills Team values and enjoys seeing and talking with our Senior Patients. We are committed and delighted to support the seniors in our Community.
Royal Canadian Legion
Foothills Dental is a proud supporter and donator to the Royal Canadian Legion. Every year, we donate to the Poppy Fund and participate in the Poppy campaign to raise funds in support of Veterans and their families. The Legion is committed to making a difference in the lives of Veterans and their families, providing essential services in our communities, and remembering the men and women who sacrificed for our country.
Their mission is to serve Veterans, including serving military and RCMP members and their families, to promote Remembrance, and to serve our communities and our country. The Legion provides representation and assistance to Veterans and their families, and access to services at no cost, making significant positive changes in their lives. “Honouring Veterans is our duty”
Turkey Drive – The Spirit of Giving
Foothills Dental is proud to be part of the annual Turkey Drive in Hinton. Through monetary donations, in partnership with the Hinton Healthcare Foundation’s Annual Christmas Turkey Drive, this event provides turkeys to the less fortunate during the Holiday Season. The campaign is in cooperation with the food bank and Kin Club. The Foothills Team believe strongly in giving back to our wonderful community!
Northern Rockies Museum of Culture and Heritage Sponsorship
Foothills Dental is proud to sponsor Hinton’s Northern Rockies Museum of Culture and Heritage. Housed in Hinton’s original Grand Trunk Pacific Railway station. Built in 1911, this building served as Hinton’s railway depot until 2003 when it was moved across the highway to its current location. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the Hinton’s Historical Society, this heritage building will be enjoyed for generations to come.
The exhibits inside features industries, railway, communication, settlers, as well as Indigenous people and explorers of the Hinton area.